
Violence Against Women & Girls Day

FGRS Community Hub signed up in support of Greater Manchester Police and the hosting of Operation Lioness and Violence Against Women and Girls day. 

As part of this, we attended a stall in the Bury centre to talk to women and girls about keeping safe and the services we all deliver. We promoted our domestic abuse drop-in and our Ladies Mental Health talking Group. We also offer our space as a drop-in 3 days a week as a place of safety for a lady/ young lady to come have a brew and get support or just to come and have a brew. 

As part of this campaign, Sgt Irish of GMP Bury North offered a self-defence and safety class for women and young girls. We hired the gym within Bury Football Club and she came down one evening to give 45 women and young girls some self-defense classes and advice about keeping themselves safe. 

The session was fully booked within and hour. 

More of these sessions coming soon!

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